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Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in boost_mkdir() (line 1407 of /home/pmp-admin/sites/
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The role of sexual orientation in entrepreneurial intention: the case of parisian LGB people

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Business-to-artist: record labels and sub-labels in the digital age

The history of recorded music has been marked by endless artistic and technological changes. While music labels persist, digital technology has profoundly altered why they exist and how they work.

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Ecole de commerce : la réalité virtuelle renouvelle les cours de Marketing

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Ecole de commerce:la réalité virtuelle renouvelle les cours de marketing

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Mais pourquoi aime-t-on autant la caravane du Tour de France ?

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La Grande Recré: extension de gamme Tim&Lou

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Self gift, luxury consumption and materialism: the way to happiness
