

Associate Professor Research
Résumé du parcours
Meriam Razgallah, Dr. in management sciences (doctorate obtained from Grenoble Alpes University in 2020), is an Associate Professor at the department of management at Paris School of Business (PSB) in France. Meriam teaches Strategy & business model, leadership & management, luxury entrepreneurship, project management, in the PGE and expert programs. Her main research interests include social and minority entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial processes. Meriam has several articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as technological forecasting and social change, European Management Review, Journal of Organizational change management, Journal of Knowledge Management, International journal of entrepreneurship and small business and International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international management conferences (AOM, CIFEPME, RENT., ICSB, AIMS, USASBE, Diana International conference..) and published as Conference Proceedings.



  • PhD, Business Administration, Management (graduated in 2020)

Domaine de compétence

  • Innovation
  • Leadership and entrepreneurship
  • Management
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Strategic Management

Département pédagogique

  • Management




Scientific Article
Titre Auteurs Source Date
The dark triad and entrepreneurial intention: The moderating role of family business exposure Meriam RAZGALLAH, Walid Nakkara, Rahma Laouiti European Management Review 02/2024
Perceived health as human capital in entrepreneurial intention among people with disability Meriam RAZGALLAH, Nada Rejeb, Adnan Maalaoui, Merko Perano, Alberto Dello strologo International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 05/2023
Knowledge transfer from and within digital incubators: does the context of entrepreneurship matter? The case of women entrepreneurs in France Meriam RAZGALLAH, Severine Le Loarne Lemaire, Adnan Maalaoui, Gael Bertrand, Gloria Haddad, Frederica Cavalo JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 01/2023
Becoming a green entrepreneur: An advanced entrepreneurial cognition model based on a practiced-based approach Meriam RAZGALLAH, Severine Le Loarne Lemaire, Adnan Maalaoui, Sasha Kraus International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 01/2022
Women in innovation processes as a solution to climate change: A systematic literature review and an agenda for future research Meriam RAZGALLAH Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2021
Antecedents of well-being for artisan entrepreneurship: A first exploratory study Meriam RAZGALLAH international journal of entrepreneurship and small business 01/2020
Does knowledge management explain the poor growth of social enterprises? Key insights from a systematic literature review on knowledge management and social entrepreneurship Meriam RAZGALLAH JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 01/2020
The role of sexual orientation in entrepreneurial intention: The case of Parisian LGB people Meriam RAZGALLAH Journal of Organizational Change Management 01/2020
How social entrepreneurs manage resource constraints? A study of innovative bricolage Meriam RAZGALLAH International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 01/2017
Titre Auteurs Source Date
Entrepreneurial resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Echoes of a British catering and hospitality startup Meriam RAZGALLAH, Basel Hammoda Routledge 01/2024
From hell to… an entrepreneurial life: An Iranian refugee in France Meriam RAZGALLAH, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI, S. SEVERINE LE LOARNE LEMAIRE, S. SALOMÉ PICARD 01/2019
Introduction: Senior entrepreneurship: From the shadows to the light Meriam RAZGALLAH, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI 01/2019
“Cruel intention” or “entrepreneurial intention”: what did you expect? An overview of research on entrepreneurial intention—an interactive perspective Meriam RAZGALLAH, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI, C. CHARLES PEREZ, R. RONY GERMON, G. GAEL BERTRAND 01/2018
Academic communication
Titre Auteurs Source Date
Social identities and sustainable orientation in entrepreneurs: The mediating role of entrepreneurial passion Yosr BEN TAHAR, Meriam RAZGALLAH, Sofian MOHAND AMAR GEM ACEDE 10/2024
Disclosing Everyday Practices of Social Entrepreneurs:Resource Based Perspective Meriam RAZGALLAH, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI, S. LE LOARNE LEMAIRE SEVERINE 08/2024
Disclosing Everyday Practices of Social Entrepreneurs:Resource Based Perspective Meriam RAZGALLAH, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI, S. SEVERINE LE LOARNE LEMAIRE 08/2024
Entrepreneurial resourcing across the social enterprises’ life cycle Meriam RAZGALLAH, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI, S. SEVERINE LE LOARNE LEMAIRE 06/2024
Disclosing everyday practices constituting social value creation: dynamic of bricolage, causation and effectuation Meriam RAZGALLAH, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI, S. SEVERINE LELOARNE LEMAIRE 04/2024
Does artificial intelligence strengthen or change entrepreneurial practices? A bibliometric review and future research agenda Meriam RAZGALLAH, N. NESSRINE OMRANI, S. SEVERINE LE LOARNE LEMAIRE, I. ISSAM MEJRI, A. ADNAN MAALAOUI Digital transformation Society Conference 01/2024
Social Entrepreneurship: Innovative Practices to Maximize Impact Meriam RAZGALLAH, S. LELOARNE LEMAIRE SEVERINE, A. MAALAOUI ADNAN 12/2023
Press Article
Titre Auteurs Source Date
Combiner l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat social : objectif des « objectifs de développement durable » Meriam RAZGALLAH Alternatives Economiques 01/2024
Recherche et innovation : la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique gagnerait à impliquer davantage les femmes Meriam RAZGALLAH, S. SEVERINE LE LOARNE LEMAIRE, A. MAALAOUI ADNAN, G. GAEL BERTRAND, A. ANDREAS KALLMUENZER 01/2021