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Optimising web design across europe : gender implications

The World Wide Web grows currently at a rate of 20% per year and dramatic claims are made about the effectiveness of web-based commercial efforts.

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Poésie derrière les barreaux

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Rajeunir le regard sur les séniors? Un essai de typologie des représentations des séniors - le cas de la CNCE

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Raul Castro, Lider Minimo

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Segmentation in a newly enlarged european union : some insights into cultural heterogeneity in central europe

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Sexual harassment in the workplace : a comparison of US and based research

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Some men like it black, some women like it pink : consumer implications of differences in male and female website design

The World Wide Web doubles in size roughly every 2-3 months and dramatic claims are made about the effectiveness of Web-based commercial efforts.

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The discriminatory impact of deviations from selection criteria in Higher Education seclection
