Using social media for health: How food influencers shape home-cooking intentions through vicarious experience
Social media influencers have gained significant popularity particularly within marketing research. However, their impact extends beyond purchase decision making, as they also have the potential to influence attitudes and behaviors through the lifestyles they promote in their content.
Analyzing Crisis Dynamics: How metal-energy Markets influence green electricity investments
The world continues to face major economic challenges due to crises that have a considerable impact on energy
consumption. Since the global energy crisis, energy commodity costs have risen, and economic slowdowns in
Climate risks and the realized higher-order moments of financial markets: Evidence from China
The return distribution of energy assets deviates from the normal distribution, making volatility a
partial measure of risk, and climate risk tend to affect the skewness preferences of environmentally
Assessing the impact of the expansion of pan-African banks and the institution’s quality on African banking stability
This study examines the impact of the presence of Pan-African banks (PABs) on African banks’ stability during the period from 2005 to 2018.
Megalabs: Breaking Barriers – The Journey of Implementing Remote Work in Organizations
This case describes the transition of Megalabs (regional pharmaceutical company) into hybrid ways of working, when the COVID-19 pandemic created a set of new circumstances for the organization.
The emergence of communities through interdependent dynamics of physical, cognitive and virtual contexts: the case of collaborative spaces.
Research about the emergence of communities has mainly focused on a single context of interaction, either physical or virtual.
Home cooking in the digital age: When observing food influencers on social media triggers the imitation of their practices
Social media influencers are effective in influencing the purchase intention of their audience. Aside from products, influencers also promote certain lifestyles and behaviors. Food influencers, for example, frequently feature home cooking, a healthier behavior compared to snacking or dining out.