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The emergence of communities through interdependent dynamics of physical, cognitive and virtual contexts: the case of collaborative spaces.

Research about the emergence of communities has mainly focused on a single context of interaction, either physical or virtual.

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Nuances of Working Together: The Influence of Managerial Approaches on Collaboration Within Coworking Spaces

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The Piggy Bank Index: An intuitive risk measure to assess liquidity and capital adequacy in banks

This study proposes a new liquidity and capital adequacy risk index, the Piggy Bank Index. This index measures the gap between liquid assets and total liabilities over liquid capital.

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Asian stock market volatility and economic policy uncertainty: The role of world and regional leaders


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Introducing the GVAR-GARCH model: Evidence from financial markets

This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on East Asian financial markets, specifically China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, by introducing the innovative GVAR-GARCH model.

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Sociomaterial influence on social media: exploring sexualised practices of influencers on Instagram

Purpose: Relying on social influence and sociomateriality
theories, this research provides new insights about the social and material drivers relating to the sexualisation of online behaviour of social media influencers.

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La Bête du Gévaudan : un mystère français éclairé par les statistiques

Entre 1764 et 1767, le Gévaudan focalise l'attention du Royaume de France. Pendant trois ans, une bête sévit dans cette région reculée, laissant derrière elle de nombreuses victimes.

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Optimizing portfolios for the BREXIT: An equity-commodity analysis of US, European and BRICS markets

The objective of this study is to create optimal two-asset portfolios consisting of stocks from Western Europe, the United States, and the BRICS (Brazil, China, India, Russia, and South Africa), as well as sixteen commodity types during the BREXIT period.
