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Fame in the Frame: Seeking, Seeing and Sharing for Museum Visits Using Social Media

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Joining a collaborative space: is it really a better place to work?

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The role of entrepreneurs in the triple helix : open labs as hybrid organizations

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Defense Firms adapting to major changes in the French RD funding system

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The digital ingredients of donation-based crowdfunding. A data-driven study of Leetchi projects and social campaigns

Crowdfunding platforms have seen increasing success over the last few years. While crowdfunding by counterparts has been extensively studied, only a very few works have focused on donation-based crowdfunding.

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Comment faciliter les pratiques frontières nécessaires aux processus créatifs ? Une étude de trois projets d’innovation ouverte

Translating, transforming and assembling new knowledge are essential boundary practices for creative processes, especially in an open innovation context. Only few studies highlight the role of individuals in these practices.
