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Open labs s organizational intermediairies: creating the conditions for serendipity in innovation networks

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"New forms of work and organizational modalities": track convenor (with S. Boutillier) at RNI CONGRESS – innovation Forum VIII "New organizational modes for innovation processes" (Nimes, France)

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Absorbing distant knowledge in the digital and open innovation context: the role of the prior knwoledge base

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Dynamiques organisationnelles, modes de gestion et institutionnalisation des tiers-lieux

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Knowing communities and the innovative capacity of cities

The aim of this paper is to emphasize the role that actors outside firms, especially communities, play in facilitating both the local and the global knowledge dynamics, thus contributing to the innovative and creative capacity of cities.

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Les tiers lieux en France : le nouveau role des collectivités locales

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Uncovering the role of virtual agents in co-creation contexts: An application to the online wine business

The purpose of this paper is to understand the roles of virtual agents in a virtual co-creation context by exploring their influence on online trust.
