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Equity-Commodity Contagion During Four Recent Crises: Evidence from the USA, Europe and the BRICS

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Exchange rate policy and external vulnerabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: nominal, real or mixed targeting?

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Glooters: the first french style jelly shot

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Green finance and the restructuring of the oil-gas-coal business model under carbon asset stranding constraints

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How to fight against food waste in the digital era: key factors for a successful food sharing plateform

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I live with terror inside me": Exploring customers' instinctive reactions to terror

Terrorist attacks occur mostly at public service-oriented sites. Consequently, their victims are likely to be customers. The present study explores how customers instinctively react toward the reality of terror in a matrix of 2

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Investors’ attention and information losses under market stress

The paper proposes a novel point-wise entropy approach to measure the time-varying losses in the value of information that investors associate with market signals, financial and economic indicators, and news.
