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Chine-Israël : une relation ambigüe

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Clean Clothes: A Global Movement to End Sweatshops


Since several decades non-governmental organizations (NGOs) bring worker and human rights issues to the public attention through their campaigns, reports, protests and boycotts.

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Comprendre la géopolitique

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Comptabilité et audit bancaires

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Credit du Nord: La banque et le développement de l'activité Assurance

Claire GARCIA, Jean-Louis MARTINEZ

The Credit du Nord is one of the five major French banks. Its customers are mainly individuals (140,000 small customers and another 60,000 having a high heritage potential but also companies (of which 85% are SMEs).

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Crise de l'euro : vers un effet boomerang pour les pays émergents ?

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Crise mondiale : pertes financières et gains politiques pour la Chine

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CRM, miroir aux alouettes…
