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La face cachée de l’entrepreneuriat dans les lieux d’innovation

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Manager l’intrapreneuriat organisé dans les firmes établies : une approche par les microfondations

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Understanding the Innovative spaces as innovation commons : a multicase study in France

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Renforcer la 3eme mission de l'Université pour l'innovation technologique et les deeptechs

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Privacy and Intelligent Virtual Assistants Usage across Generations

This paper addresses the question of Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) continuance of usage through different generations. Indeed, the sustainability of these tools is potentially enabled by the gratifications they provide over time to users.

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Scent marketing: linking the scent congruence with brand image

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the role of scent congruence with the brand image in the
formation of consumers’ reactions to the atmosphere of a place.
Design/methodology/approach – Using a factorial design (i.e. scent congruent with the brand image,

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Comment sortir du paradigme technopush ? Les apports des novueaux modes d'innovation
