Forecasting photovoltaic production with neural networks and weather features
In this paper, we address the refinement of solar energy forecasting within a 2-day window by integrating
weather forecast data and strategically employing entity embedding, with a specific focus on the Multilayer

Resource recombination perspective on open eco-innovation: Open innovation type, strategic orientation, and green innovation
This study aims to investigate the missing links in open eco-innovation by focusing

Vers une meilleure compréhension de l’engagement communautaire des patients : quels apports pour les praticiens en santé ?
This article explores the experience of community involvement
among oncology patients. A qualitative study was conducted
among twenty-five cancer patients. It shows a connection
between individual and interindividual medical histories, four

Boundary spanners as the missing link in supporting collaborative innovation in innovation spaces
This research investigates the role of boundary spanner for explaining the contribution of innovation spaces to collaborative innovation. This research is based on a comparative case study in the french healthcare system.