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Féminisons les boards pour une gouvernance durable et responsable

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La gestion des risques liés aux conflits d’intérêt en entreprise

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Loi Copé-Zimmermann: les proposition de l'AFEC pour renforcer et élargir son application

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Les conflits d’intérêts, avant tout une affaire d’interprétation

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The cost of banking crises: Does the policy framework matter?

This paper empirically investigates how the stringency of monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policy frameworks impacts the expected cost of banking crises.

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Co-movement of COVID-19 and Bitcoin: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis

We apply wavelet methods to daily data of COVID-19 world deaths and daily Bitcoin prices from 31th December 2019 to 29th April 2020. We find, especially for the period post April 5, that levels of COVID-19 caused a rise in Bitcoin prices.

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Cryptofinance A New Currency for a New Economy

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Equity-Commodity Contagion During Four Recent Crises: Evidence from the USA, Europe and the BRICS
