
Although the improvement of the healthcare system for a sustainable health stands for a major concern, the human dimension of car is mainly neglected. In particular, the multiple interactions between patients, professionals and caregivers all across the healthcare pathway are likely to be opportunities for resilience reinforcement and global well-being enhancement.


Associate Professor Research


In this context, the Living Health chair focuses on the understanding and optimization of patient experience in order to redesign practices in health and define a balanced partnership between patients and health professionals for an integrative health.

Three key factors of success of the patient experience are studied:

  • “Care”, the human dimension of care for adapted and customized interactions
  • “Cure”, the technical and human professional expertise for effective and performing interactions
  • “Connect”, the optimal use of data and numerical tools for a more fluent patient experience

Through pedagogical actions, the chair aims at spreading knowledge in teaching by involving various students.


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Daniel MAAR

Associate Professor Research


Associate Professor Research