Error message

  • Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in boost_mkdir() (line 1407 of /home/pmp-admin/sites/
  • Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in boost_mkdir() (line 1407 of /home/pmp-admin/sites/
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Le grand oublié du management : la gestion de l'espace physique!

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Rethinking roles and capabilities of organizational intermediairies in the context of the Digital Innovation; an exploratory case on the open labs;

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A typology of localized spaces of collaborative innovation

Creativity has a strong social component. The capture of distributed collective creativity plays a significant role in the innovative processes in organizations.

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How social entrepreneurs manage resource constraints? a study of innovative bricolage

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Les entreprises de la nouvelle économie sont elles vraiment plus efficaces ?

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Les plateformes d'innovation : des communautés porteuses de nouvelles relations de travail

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Boundary spanning practices as support to the creative process: the interplay between individuals, objects and spaces
