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Upstream CRS : From Sweatshop Responsibility to Political Responsibility

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Une méthodologie de prospective métiers fondée sur les compétences collectives : l’exemple du métier de pilote de chasse

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Open source software reshaping Defense-related management of technologies

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"The Effect of Synchronizing Consumers' Diurnal Preferences With Time of Response on Data Reliability"

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Acquisition events and local industry evolution

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Asia vs. the ‘others’: how to bridge the intercultural gap in cross-border higher education

‘Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet’, Rudyard Kipling told us in 1892.

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Cuba, Mémoires d'un naufrage

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Downstream CSR : corporations' responsibility for how their products harm society. The case of the fast -food industry and obesity

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Gender differences in website production and preference aesthetics:

The purpose of this study was to examine the implications of a gendered website production and preference aesthetic

for the teaching of computer studies. Thirty male and thirty female personal websites produced by students at a UK
