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Lente acquisition de la pratique et construction de l'expérience : vers une gérontocratie organisationnelle ?

Willing to go further than the commonplace according to which younger people are able to adapt more rapidly than seniors, we feel obligated to remind that the goal of learning is not so much about speed than it is about mastering knowledge for action.

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Lettre à Jack Lang, émissaire spécial à cuba

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Marketing et résistance(s) des consommateurs

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Marketing to 'Seniors' in France and the UK: an approach to e-communication

The proportion of the Seniors generation using the Internet in France and the UK is steadily increasing.

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Outsiders' influence on indigenous firm innovation: The case of Canadian Biotech

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Profiting from Diversity: The Business Advantages and the Obstacles to Achieving Diversity

Frequent reference is made to the importance of workplace diversity but the remarkable and specific benefits it can bring to organizations are often overlooked.

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Recruter dans les métiers en tension, une méthodologie émergente par l'étude des offres d'emploi ANPE

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Status as Classification System : Application to the French Wine Sector
