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Sustainability and Luxury: Strategy and communication challenges

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Sustainable and luxury: Strategy and Communication challenges

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Traditional food products: The effect of consumers' characteristics, product knowledge and perceived value on actual purchase

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Tribune libre : Service civique

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Tweens and Internet: role of digital in the information process. The case of feature film releases

This article proposes to study a specific target in marketing: the Tweens. Regarded as children aged between 8 and 12 years old, they develop specific behaviors. Due to ethical considerations, marketing dedicated to children are quite difficult to implement.

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Luxury Consumers & Luxury Brand Management in China

Luxury consumption in emerging markets is strongly influenced by Western consumer culture. However, few academic studies have investigated the psychology and behavior of these consumers. China is one of the most important emerging luxury markets.

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"Un focus sur les familles d'agriculteurs vendéens en voie d'appauvrissement"

Rural poverty shows specific characteristics where inequalities such as poverty do exist. Rural poverty is a form of hidden poverty, making it even harder to identify, unveil and understand.

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Adultère 2.0 : comment la technologie est devenue la meilleure alliée des conjoints volages… et de ceux qu’ils trompent
