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Rivalité énergétique mondiale

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Sur les chemins de la république

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Testing the Fed and the Graham & Dodd models: Asymmetric vs. Symmetric Adjustment

We examine the empirical validity of the Fed model and the Graham & Dodd model for five countries and over a time period spanning three decades by applying the Enders and Granger 1998) and Enders and Siklos (2001) threshold unit-root and cointegration tests.

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The oil crisis: China, the perfect scapegoat

The Western economies have been confronted with rising oil prices for the past five years. Political instability in the Middle East, social unrest in Nigeria and Hugo Chávez’s nationalisations all reinforce our dread of a shortage.

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Timides avancées israéliennes vers la reconnaissance du génocide

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Annales des loyers et de la propriété commerciale, rurale et immobilière

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Asymmetric adjustment of stock prices to their fundamental value and the predictability of US stock returns

Using momentum threshold autoregressive (MTAR) models, we explore the adjustment mechanism between US stock prices and fundamentals. Next, we derive non-linear error-correction models and examine whether they can improve forecasts of stock returns.

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Banque Mondiale : virage idéologique?
