
La RSE, un enjeu d'apprentissage organisationnel. Le cas de l'intégration professionnelle des personnes en situation de handicap


This paper investigates the issues of integrating people with disabilities. This work relied on organizational learning studies (G. Koenig, 2006 ; C. Argyris & R Schön, 2002; C. Argyris, 1995) and interviews in the construction industry and insurance sector. This programmatic study will especially be interested in difficulties and facilitators of the integration process of people with disabilities, through two levels of cooperation: business to business and inside the firm.

First, this research allows to contribute to the work on Corporate Social Responsability (Y. Pesqueux, 2008; M. Capron & F. Quairel, 2004) highlighting the conditions of organizational transformation by management tools (J.C. Moisdon, 1997). These tools contribute to manage internal and external relations with stakeholders of the firm (A. Acquier & F. Aggeri, 2007): service providers and public agencies.

Second, this research proposes concrete actions to be implemented by firms : the adaptation of work organization, policy advocacy, establishment of a referent, thinking about the ergonomics of work.

Third, this work will ultimately allow us to build a typology of strategies adopted by firms in the development of their CSR policies.

Publication type: 
Scientific Article
Date de parution: 
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion