
Télétravail à domicile : comment immuniser les salariés face à la cyber épidémie?

Nicolas DUFOUR, Caroline DIARD

With the generalized containment set up to face the covid-19 epidemic, within the framework
of continuity plans, companies have been forced to organize telework at home without any
particular anticipation. The perpetuation of telework introduces into organizations risks
related to the use of new technologies. With the massive use of networked tools, organizations
are faced with emerging risks: cyber attacks, cyber malice, data theft, internal fraud.
How to fight against this new kind of epidemic? How can the company prevent cyber risks in
the context of home-based teleworking? This research proposes an analysis of these emerging
risks with a qualitative case study conducted with a life insurance company. The study
focuses on an insurance company with 700 employees where 43 managers were interviewed
in a semi-structured interview.

Publication type: 
Scientific Article
Date de parution: 
Management & Avenir