
Du modèle économique de Spence à la nouvelle sociologie de économique de White

Petronille REME

This paper examines the way in which Harisson White (the sociologist,

founder of the american >), has borrowed from the

economist, Michael Spence, his model of the employer/employee relationship

in asymmetric information situations, and built his own model of markets

from it.

More precisely, we show that the apparent similarity (introduced by the

methodological element borrowed from Spence) actually hides deep differences

between the two authors, and we attempt to determine to what extent it can

shed some new light on the relationships between economics and sociology.

Keywords: market economic model, economic sociology, social networks.

JEL Classification: L11, A14.

Publication type: 
Scientific Article
Date de parution: 
Recherches Economiques de Louvain