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Les vieux représentent le mieux la notion de développement durable chère à notre société

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L’art, la gestion et l’Etat – Voyage au cœur de l’action

Le Human branding est un type de marquage corporel qui consiste à représenter sur ou dans la peau, une marque commerciale, ou l'un de ses codes d'expression (nom, logo, emblème, slogan).

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L’intermédiation financière

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Mesurer les performances extra-financières : Le véritable défi de l’ISR

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Moving from Periphery to Core in Scientific Networks: Evidence from European Inter-Regional Collaborations, 1999-2007

Valérie MERINDOL, Lorenzo CASSI, Emilie-Pauline GALLIE, Agenor LAHATTE

This paper provides an original framework for investigating scientific collaboration networks at European regional level. Is European scientific area an integrated system? Are the European regions organized around a core?

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Network Effects and Renewable Energy Diffusion: The German Success Story


This paper argues that network economics is a valuable framework for understanding the important issues and analyzing cases where renewable energy diffusion has been successful or impaired.

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Network ties and absorptive capacity for learning and decision-making

Nada REJEB, B. Quélin , R. Soparnot
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New Dimension of the Interactive TV (in TV LIDER)

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Nomophobie ou la peur de perdre son portable, le mal du XXIe siècle

Catherine LEJEALLE
