

Full Professor
Dr. Josse Roussel is professor at the Paris School of Business and the Head of the Paris School of Business DBA. He got his Ph.D from the university of Paris-Dauphine and his authorization to supervise research at the doctoral level (H.D.R.) from the university of Paris-II Panthéon Assas. His research currently focuses on finance and monetary policy, the digitalization of management and human capital. He published articles in numerous peer-reviewed journals such as Human Resource Planning, The Journal of European and Industrial Training, E-Journal of Digital Enterprise, Entreprise et Humanisme, Management & Avenir and La Revue d’Economie Financière



  • HDR, Business Administration, Management Université Paris 2 - Panthéon Assas, France (graduated in 2008)


Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
Determinants of banks fragility in the MENA region using a dynamic model Josse ROUSSEL, Marc AUDI, Mohamed KASSEM The Journal of Developing Areas 12/2021
Bank regulation and credit crunch: evidence from MENA region commercial banks Josse ROUSSEL, Chawki EL MOUSSAWI, Mohammed KASSEM International Journal of Emerging Markets 05/2021
Les déterminants de la performance éthique des banques islamiques Josse ROUSSEL, Hassan OBEID, Nadia SLIMENE Revue d'Economie Financière 01/2020
Passive Leadership Styles Influence on Employees’Performance in Kenya, A Study of Turkana County” Josse ROUSSEL, David NawoseIng’ollan Bussecon Review of Social Sciences 06/2019
Banks, Eurozone, human capital efficiency and return on equity: an approach via panel econometrics Josse ROUSSEL, Patrick PIGET Vie et Sciences de l'Entreprise 01/2019
Influence of Leadership Styles on Employees’ Performance: A Study of Turkana County, Kenya Josse ROUSSEL, David NawoseIng’ollan International Journal of Business and Social Science 07/2017
Offshoring decision making and subduing human capital risks: the case of financial services Josse ROUSSEL Revue d'Economie Financière 01/2011
The Euro Fever: from the mirage of a phoney growth to perpetual austerity Josse ROUSSEL Confluences Méditérranée 01/2011
Human capital in Human Resources Management: some light on the success of a concept Josse ROUSSEL Management et Avenir 01/2010
Information Technologies adoption and Human Capital: the case of Tunisian SMEs Josse ROUSSEL Management et Avenir 01/2010
IT and value chain : the case of the financial services sector Josse ROUSSEL The eJournal of Digital Enterprise 01/2009
“Outsourcing, offshoring and Globalisation in the financial services industry: the topicality of the human capital approach Josse ROUSSEL Humanisme et Entreprise 01/2009
Employee Training Needs and Perceived Value of Training in the Pearl River Delta of Hong Kong: a Human Capital Development Approach Josse ROUSSEL Journal of European and Industrial Training 01/2008
“Managing impatriate adjustment as a core human resource management challenge Josse ROUSSEL Human Resource Planning 01/2006
Title Authors Source Date
Le capital humain : perspectives théoriques et applications en gestion, éditions Josse ROUSSEL, Alexandre GUILLARD Editions Universitaires européennes 01/2018
Misère de la Finance Josse ROUSSEL Edition l'Harmattan, collection perpectives organisationnelles 01/2014
Rational Action and Human Capital Convention, an innovative analysis of the human capital concept Josse ROUSSEL Editions Universitaires européennes 01/2012
Economics and management of the firm Josse ROUSSEL Edition l'Harmattan, collection perpectives organisationnelles 01/2011
Toward the Digital Firm Josse ROUSSEL Gualino 01/2005
Title Authors Source Date
The Human Capital of Consulting Josse ROUSSEL Daily Consulting 01/2014
Is the human capital concept relevant for social audit? The economics of convention standpoint Josse ROUSSEL Peretti Editions 01/2012
Rational action and conventions: toward an axiological model” Josse ROUSSEL L'Harmattan 01/2010
Rational behavior theories and virtue: a methodological survey around cooperation in business Josse ROUSSEL Peretti Editions 01/2010
The Human capital approach and Talent Management Josse ROUSSEL Peretti Editions 01/2008
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
“Banks, the Euro Zone, Human Capital and financial performance: a panel data econometrics approach Josse ROUSSEL Human Capital Workshop 01/2016
Human capital and financial performance: the European banks case Josse ROUSSEL New challenges in Governance 01/2012
Ethics and cooperation in Business: topicality of the axiological rationality principle, implications for social audit Josse ROUSSEL IAS Spring Conference 01/2010
Human capital metrics and change management: some experience feedbacks and lessons for social audit Josse ROUSSEL IAS Summer Conference 01/2010
The success of the human capital concept in HR: critical analysis and insight for social auditing Josse ROUSSEL IAS Spring Conference 01/2009
What are the impacts of digitalization and IT on the workplace’s organization Josse ROUSSEL IAS Summer Conference 01/2009
Human Capital in Human Resources Management: some light on the success of a concept Josse ROUSSEL IAE 01/2008
Human capital valuing, control and corporate governance Josse ROUSSEL IAS 01/2008
IT and value chain : the case of the financial services sector Josse ROUSSEL French Digital Management Association (AFME) annual Conference, March 27 and 28, Grenoble, France 01/2008
Outsourcing, offshoring and globalization in the financial sectors: topicality of human capital approaches and relevance for social auditing Josse ROUSSEL IAS Summer Conference 01/2008
Uncertainty and Transaction Costs: a new insight into Williamson’s model Josse ROUSSEL 17th AIMS Conference 01/2008
Uncertainty and transaction costs: a new insight into Williamson’s model Josse ROUSSEL EURAM 01/2008
Dealing with human capital: a critical stake for social auditing and firms growth in the digital era Josse ROUSSEL 9th IAS Spring Conference, Moscow May 17,18 and 19, Russia 01/2007
Human capital, balanced scorecard and change management: lessons to learn for social auditing, Josse ROUSSEL 25th IAS Summer Conference, ESSEC Management Education CNIT La Défense, September 6, France 01/2007
The Georgian Feast : social network’s haute cuisine Josse ROUSSEL EGOS conference 01/2007