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Nuances of Working Together: The Influence of Managerial Approaches on Collaboration Within Coworking Spaces

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The Piggy Bank Index: An intuitive risk measure to assess liquidity and capital adequacy in banks

This study proposes a new liquidity and capital adequacy risk index, the Piggy Bank Index. This index measures the gap between liquid assets and total liabilities over liquid capital.

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20 idées reçues sur l'énergie

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AI-Enabled Service Agents: The Determinants of Satisfaction in the FinTech Sector

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Articuler gouvernance territoriale et projets innovants : le cas de l’Arc d’innovation

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Asian stock market volatility and economic policy uncertainty: The role of world and regional leaders


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Créateurs, chercheurs, entrepreneurs. Quels rôles et places des artistes dans les tiers lieux d’innovation ?

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Introducing the GVAR-GARCH model: Evidence from financial markets

This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on East Asian financial markets, specifically China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, by introducing the innovative GVAR-GARCH model.

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Lifelong Learning through a Virtual Learning Environment: The Determinants of Success in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector
