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Évaluation de la qualité des organisations : que nous dit-on réellement ?

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Forum Mobilité

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Habitat et vieillissement : l'axe de l'adaptation

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How to Ensure Long Term Success for a Local Sport Club

The ESC Athletisme is a subsection of ESC ('Entente Sportive Caudacienne') a large institution gathering different sport disciplines and founded in 1968.

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Il est l'heure

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iPhone 5 d'Apple : le culte des keynotes, une stratégie toujours aussi efficace

Keynote is a strategic point for Apple. How does this event play a crucial rule for this company?

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L'entrepreneuriat des seniors

In the coming years, seniors will represent the largest segment of the population. This is due to the phenomenon of “Papy boom” which reflects the growth of the aging population, and its impact on the consumer society. Having long been forgotten, seniors attract more attention from researchers.

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La communication électronique dans la société de l'information , quels usages quelles pratiques ?

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La presse miroir des changements sociaux
