Alessandro RAVINA

Alessandro RAVINA

Associate Professor Research
Dr. Alessandro Ravina is an Associate Professor of Finance at Paris School of Business. His research focuses on Asset Pricing, with a focus on Climate Finance and Cryptocurrencies, and has been published on leading refereed journals like The Energy Journal (CNRS Rank 1). Dr. Alessandro Ravina has taught classes on a wide range of topics such as Portfolio Management, Calculus I & II, Statistics, Microeconomics and International Monetary Economics. He holds a Ph.D. in Financial Economics from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2020) and a Master in Management from ESCP Business School (2010). Previously, he has served as Teaching and Research Associate at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2018-2020). Dr. Alessandro Ravina joined the Asset Management industry in 2010 as a Financial Portfolio Manager and a Project Manager.



  • PhD, Economics, Finance (graduated in 2020)




Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
On bond returns in a time of climate change Alessandro RAVINA Energy Journal, The 01/2022
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
On bond returns in a time of climate change Alessandro RAVINA 43rd IAEE International Conference 06/2020
On bond returns in a time of climate change Alessandro RAVINA 06/2020
On bond returns in a time of climate change Alessandro RAVINA Bank of France Seminar 03/2020
On bond returns in a time of climate change Alessandro RAVINA 03/2020
On bond returns in a time of climate change Alessandro RAVINA Sorbonne Business School seminar 02/2020
On bond returns in a time of climate change Alessandro RAVINA 02/2020
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 06/2019
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 30th European Conference on Operational Research 06/2019
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 6th World Conference of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE) 06/2018
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 06/2018
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 06/2018
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 41st IAEE International Conference 06/2018
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 67th AFSE Conference 05/2018
The impact of low-carbon policy on stock returns Alessandro RAVINA, R. KAFFEL 05/2018
Determinants and assessment of low-carbon transition risks at firm level: a theoretical framework for a carbon stress test Alessandro RAVINA 4th FAERE Conference 09/2017
Determinants and assessment of low-carbon transition risks at firm level: a theoretical framework for a carbon stress test Alessandro RAVINA INET Conference 09/2017
Determinants and assessment of low-carbon transition risks at firm level: a theoretical framework for a carbon stress test Alessandro RAVINA 09/2017
Determinants and assessment of low-carbon transition risks at firm level: a theoretical framework for a carbon stress test Alessandro RAVINA 7th EAAERE Conference 08/2017
Determinants and assessment of low-carbon transition risks at firm level: a theoretical framework for a carbon stress test Alessandro RAVINA 08/2017
Determinants and assessment of low-carbon transition risks at firm level: a theoretical framework for a carbon stress test Alessandro RAVINA 66th AFSE Conference 06/2017
Determinants and assessment of low-carbon transition risks at firm level: a theoretical framework for a carbon stress test Alessandro RAVINA 01/2017