

Associate Professor Research
David E. Kalisz, PhD Doctor of economics in the discipline of management sciences. He holds Ph.D. degree from Department of Management Theory (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland). He also holds two master titles in economics (both summa cum laude), and also completed post-graduate studies in Aviation Management at the Institute of Aviation and Air Defense (National Defense University, Poland). Author of numerous publications in the field of new media, digital marketing, competition strategy and value innovation. Author of the book "Competitive strategies: TV market in Poland". Winner of the National Broadcasting Council Award and Warsaw University and the for the best doctoral dissertation in electronic media in 2014. He specializes in the area of innovation, strategy and management in the new economy. Scientifically inspired by the influence of the latest technologies on the functioning of enterprises, which is presented in his latest series of lectures – Industry 4.0 & Internet of Things. He is the creator of the first in Poland program of the Blue Ocean Strategy and the Blue Ocean Shift. He gives lectures in Polish, English and French. He teaches in Poland and abroad, also at MBA and DBA studies in cooperation with foreign universities (including USA, India, France).



  • PhD, Economics (graduated in 2013)

Teaching department

  • Management


Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
Patients’ behavioral intentions toward robotic adoption in healthcare: An approach on apprehension of embedding robotics David KALISZ, Elham KAMANI, Agata SZYRAN-RESIAK Journal of General Management 07/2023
Responsible I(m)ovation in Asia Pacific regions David KALISZ, Veronica Scutto, Alexeis Garcia-Perez, Amandeep Dhir Asia Pacific Journal of Management 02/2022
The adoption, diffusion & categorical ambiguity trifecta of social robots in e-health – insights from healthcare professionals David KALISZ, Insaf KHELLADI, Sylvaine CASTELLANO, Rosella SORIO Futures 04/2021
Analyzing the macro-level determinants of user entrepreneurship. The moderating role of the national culture. David KALISZ, Francesco SCHIAVONE, Giorgia RIVIECCIO, Ce?line VIALA, Junsong CHEN Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 02/2021
Exploring the microfoundations of nomadic dynamic capabilities: The example of flying winemakers Mehmet ORHAN, David KALISZ, Sylvaine CASTELLANO, Insaf KHELLADI, Rosella SORIO Technological Forecasting and Social Change 02/2021
The role of digital innovation in knowledge management: A systematic literature review David KALISZ, Assunta DI VAIO, Rosa PALLADINO, Alberto PEZZI Journal of Business Research 02/2021
The smartization of metropolitan cities: the case of Pari David KALISZ, Sylvaine CASTELLANO, Insaf KHELLADI International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12/2020
Crowd learning: Innovative Harensing The Knowlegdge and Potencial of People David KALISZ Innovative Management Education Pedagogies for Preparing Next-Generation Leaders, IGI Global 01/2016
Development of UHS/4K standard research David KALISZ Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Internationales Management und Wissensökonomie 01/2016
Human resource capabilities and competitive advantage in Indian companies David KALISZ Opere et Studio pro Oeconomia 01/2011
Polska vs. Unia Europejska. Droga Polski do wprowadzenia wspólnej waluty i pe?nej integracji z Uni? David KALISZ Opere et Studio pro Oeconomia 01/2011
Research and Innovation Redefined. Perspectives on the European Union Initiatives on Horizon 2020 David KALISZ European Integration Studies, Research and Topicalities 01/2011
Title Authors Source Date
Competitive Strategy. TV Market in Poland David KALISZ ISBN 01/2016
Title Authors Source Date
Transformations of the Interactive TV Market in the New media [in:] Business and Non-Profit Organizations Facing Increased Competition and Growing Customers’ Demands David KALISZ Wy?sza Szko?a Biznesu, National –Louis University, Nowy S?cz 01/2012
Wplyw spowolnienia gospodarczego i globalnego kryzysu na strategie dzia?ania firm na rynku, [in:] Gospodarka rynkowa w warunkach kryzysu David KALISZ Pa?stwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa, P?ock 01/2012
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
Strategy at Crossroads. The Global Crisis Impact on Companies’ Long-run Direction David KALISZ From Global Crisis to Economic Growth. Which Way to Take? 01/2012
Press Article
Title Authors Source Date
Blue Ocean Strategy Redefined. The innovations in VOD market 5 (in TV LIDER) David KALISZ 01/2015
Strategies of the Polish VOD Market and OTT Trends (in TV LIDER) David KALISZ 01/2014
New Dimension of the Interactive TV (in TV LIDER) David KALISZ 01/2013
Sat>IP. Telewizja na zywo dla wspólczesnego zycia (in : TV LIDER) David KALISZ 01/2012