

Associate Professor Research
After a Masters degree in Finance at the University of Orleans, I will defend my Ph.D. thesis, entitled « Essays on central banks’ preferences and objectives » in december 2018. My research areas include monetary policy, financial stability and banking economics.



  • PhD in Economics (graduated in 2019)

Research department

  • Economic and Financial Performance


Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
The inflation loop is not a myth Yannick LUCOTTE, Florian PRADINES Finance Research Letters 07/2023
The cost of banking crises: Does the policy framework matter? Yannick LUCOTTE, Florian PRADINES Journal of International Money and Finance 02/2021
Macroprudential and monetary policies: The need to dance the Tango in harmony Yannick LUCOTTE, Florian PRADINES Journal of International Money and Finance 11/2020
Macroprudential and monetary policies: The need to dance the Tango in harmony Florian PRADINES, Yannick LUCOTTE, Jose GARCIA REVELO Journal of International Money and Finance 11/2020
Central banks’ preferences and banking sector vulnerability Florian PRADINES, G. LEVIEUGE, Y. LUCOTTE Journal of Financial Stability 02/2019
Macroprudential and monetary policies: Friends or foes? Florian PRADINES, Y. LUCOTTE, J. GARCIA LEO Working Paper 02/2019
The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter? Florian PRADINES, G LEVIEUGE, Y LUCOTTE SSRN 09/2018
L’influence de la composition et du fonctionnement des Comités de Politique Monétaire sur la conduite de la politique monétaire Florian PRADINES Revue Française d’Économie
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter? Florian PRADINES 2nd Baltic Economic Conference 06/2019
The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter? Florian PRADINES 4th International Days of Macroeconomics and Finance 05/2019
The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter? Florian PRADINES 5th HenU/INFER Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics 03/2019
The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter? Florian PRADINES 11th International Research Conference 12/2018
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES 9th International Research Conference 12/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES Conference on Monetary Policy Challenges from a Small Country Perspective 11/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES 2nd Annual Conference of Monetary Research Center (MRC) 10/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES 6th IWH/INFER Workshop on (Ending) Unconventional Monetary Policy 09/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES 33rd International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, annual meeting of the European Research Group (GdRE) on Money Banking and Finance 07/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES Ioannina Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance (IMAEF) 07/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES 8th International Conference Economic Challenges in Enlarged Europe 06/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES 13ème Doctoriales MACROFI 04/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability Florian PRADINES INFER Workshop on European Integration in the Aftermath of Debt Crisis, 03/2016
Central Banks’ Preferences and Banking Sector Vulnerability, Florian PRADINES 1st EuropeanWorkshop on Political Macroeconomics (EWPM) 03/2016