

Full Professor
Ignasi CAPDEVILA, PhD in Management, HEC Montréal (QC, Canada) in 2015, is a Full Professor in the Management of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the newPIC chair, and associate researcher at l’École Polytechnique (i3-CRG). He teaches Corporate Strategy, Strategic Management, and Project Management & Principles of Management and related topics in the PGE, MSc and BBA programs. He is also ?head of Digital, Entrepreneurship & Society Track in the DBA program, where he teaches qualitative methods. His main research interests include the innovation dynamics in collaborative spaces and the creative processes from spatial and organizational perspectives. His research is mainly based on qualitative methods. His researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Economic Geography; Industry and Innovation; City, Culture and Society; Journal of Business Strategy; Research in the Sociology of Organizations, among others. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Organization Studies and Economic Geography conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. He is member of the editorial board of Journal of Innovation Economics and Innovations /Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation. He has organized tracks at RGS-IBG Annual Conference and EURAM. He has edited special issues for European Planning Studies and Journal of Innovation Economics and Innovations.



  • HDR, Business Administration, Management (graduated in 2019)


  • Innovation
  • Management
  • Strategic Management

Teaching department

  • Management


Strategic Management
Strategic Management


Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
Hungry Minds: Provoking and sustaining curiosity in organizations. Ignasi CAPDEVILA, B. SLAVICH, P. OPAZO Academy of Management Discoveries 01/2025
The emergence of communities through interdependent dynamics of physical, cognitive and virtual contexts: the case of collaborative spaces. Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Valérie MERINDOL R and D Management 03/2024
“Home Office is The Here and Now” Digital Nomad Visa Systems and Remote Work-Focused Leisure Policies Ignasi CAPDEVILA, José Ignacio SANCHEZ-VERGARA, Marko OREL World Leisure Journal 05/2023
Flexible geographies of new working spaces Ignasi CAPDEVILA, I. MARIOTTI, B. LANGE European Planning Studies 02/2023
Making, hacking, coding. FabLabs as intermediary platforms for modes of social manufacturing Ignasi CAPDEVILA, CONSTANCE GARNIER Journal of Innovation Economics and Management 06/2022
The Role of Materiality in the Evaluation of Novel Ideas: Evidence from Gastronomy and Performing Arts Ignasi CAPDEVILA, P. OPAZO, B. SLAVICH Research in the Sociology of Organizations 01/2022
Articuler confiance résiliente et reflexive, hierarchie formelle et prix au sein des communautés : le cas des open labs Valérie MERINDOL, Nicolas AUBOUIN, Ignasi CAPDEVILA Management International 12/2021
Collaborative Spaces Promoting Creativity and Innovation Ignasi CAPDEVILA, S. BOUTILLIER, L. DUPONT, L. MOREL Journal of Innovation Economics and Management 01/2020
Espaces et nouvelles formes d’organisation du travail créatif Ignasi CAPDEVILA, S. BOUTILLIER, L. DUPONT, L. MOREL Innovations Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation 01/2020
Joining a collaborative space: is it really a better place to work? Ignasi CAPDEVILA Journal of Business Strategy 04/2019
La gestion des communautés de connaissances au sein des espaces de créativité et innovation : une variété de logiques de collaboration Nicolas AUBOUIN, Ignasi CAPDEVILA Innovations Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation 01/2019
Knowing communities and the innovative capacity of cities Ignasi CAPDEVILA City, Culture and Society 06/2018
From a Local Community to a Global Influence. How elBulli Restaurant Created a New Epistemic Movement in the World of Haute Cuisine Ignasi CAPDEVILA, P. COHENDET, L. SIMON Industry and Innovation 01/2018
Les multiples échelles et dynamiques urbaines de créativité et d’innovation. La double réalité créative du quartier du Poblenou à Barcelone. Ignasi CAPDEVILA, M.I. ZARLENGA Géographie Économie Société 01/2018
Technology-transfer offices and academic open labs as different types of organizational intermediaries in science-society relationships Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, E.-P. GALLIÉ Gestion 2000 01/2018
Motivating Participation in Collaborative Spaces Ignasi CAPDEVILA Journal of Business Strategy 11/2017
The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of communities of makers and social entrepreneurs in Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA Management International 06/2017
Une typologie d’espaces ouverts d’innovation basée sur les différents modes d’innovation et motivations à la participation Ignasi CAPDEVILA Gestion 2000 07/2016
Co-Working Spaces and the Localised Dynamics of Innovation in Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA International Journal of Innovation Management 01/2015
Establishing new codes for creativity in haute cuisine. The case of Ferran Adrià and elBulli Ignasi CAPDEVILA, P COHENDET, L. SIMON Technology Innovation Management Review 01/2015
Les différentes approches entrepreneuriales dans les espaces ouverts d’innovation Ignasi CAPDEVILA Innovations - Cahiers d'économie de l'innovation 01/2015
Smart City or smart citizens? The Barcelona case Ignasi CAPDEVILA, M. I. ZARLENGA Journal of Strategy and Management 01/2015
Epistemic communities, localization and the dynamics of knowledge creation. Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Patrick COHENDET, DAVID GRANDADAM, LAURENT SIMON Journal of Economic Geography 01/2014
La capacité créative et innovante des villes Ignasi CAPDEVILA, DAVID GRANDADAM, LAURENT SIMON, PATRICK COHENDET, LAURENT BACH Économie et management 01/2013
L’entreprise multinationale à la croisée de la mondialisation et du management interculturel: comment relever le défi posé par la distance linguistique? Ignasi CAPDEVILA, CAMELIA DUMITRIU Management & Avenir 01/2012
Title Authors Source Date
Le livre blanc des open labs: quelles pratiques ? quels changements en France ? Valérie MERINDOL, Alexandra LE CHAFFOTEC, Nicolas AUBOUIN, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, David W. VERSAILLES, Nadège BOUQUIN, Thomas VOISN, Alexis CHIOVETTA ISBN en cours 03/2016
Title Authors Source Date
Nuances of Working Together: The Influence of Managerial Approaches on Collaboration Within Coworking Spaces Costantino ROMEO, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Barbara DA ROIT, Maurizio BUSACCA Edward Elgar 02/2024
The Effects of Covid-19 on Coworking Spaces Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Ilaria MARIOTTI, Mina DI MARINO, Mina AKHAVAN Springer 07/2022
Building communities in rural coworking spaces Ignasi CAPDEVILA Routledge 01/2022
A typology of localized spaces of collaborative innovation Ignasi CAPDEVILA Edward Edgar 08/2017
Entrepreneur et maker Ignasi CAPDEVILA Classiques Garnier 02/2017
Les ancrages locaux et les dynamiques globales des communautés de connaissance Ignasi CAPDEVILA Vuibert, Paris 06/2016
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
The emergence of communities through interdependent dynamics of physical, cognitive and virtual contexts: the case of collaborative spaces. Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA RD Management conference 07/2021
Les modes de coordination au sein des communautés: échanger et collaborer dans les open labs Valérie MERINDOL, Nicolas AUBOUIN, Ignasi CAPDEVILA AIMS GT Innovation 10/2018
Open labs as new organizational design : investigating a new model for knowledge governance modes Nicolas AUBOUIN, Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) 07/2018
Open labs as new organizational design : investigating a new model for knowledge governance modes Valérie MERINDOL, Nicolas AUBOUIN, Ignasi CAPDEVILA EGOS 07/2018
"New forms of work and organizational modalities": track convenor (with S. Boutillier) at RNI CONGRESS – innovation Forum VIII "New organizational modes for innovation processes" (Nimes, France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 06/2018
"The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of communities of makers and social entrepreneurs in Barcelona". 4th Geography of Innovation conference GEOINNO2018 (Barcelona, Spain) (track co-organizer) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 01/2018
"The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of communities of makers and social entrepreneurs in Barcelona". 3ème séminaire de l’observatoire des communautés de connaissance- BETA- Univ. Strasbourg (France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 11/2017
"The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of communities of makers and social entrepreneurs in Barcelona". Séminaire Innovations GTI. AIMS (Palaiseau, France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 09/2017
"Coworking Spaces: A multi-level view of localized dynamics of innovation. The case of Barcelona". Seminar on “Collaborative finance for collaborative spaces” (Barcelona, Spain) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 05/2017
Introduire et développer une culture entrepreneuriale dans les universités: le rôle des open labs Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Valérie MERINDOL 03/2017
“Coworking Spaces: A multi-level view of localized dynamics of innovation. The case of Barcelona”. Colloque de recherche Mosaic (Lille, France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 03/2017
“Different collaboration approaches among entrepreneurs in coworking spaces in Barcelona”. Entrepreneurship Future Conference (Paris, France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 03/2017
“Introduire et développer une culture entrepreneuriale dans les universités : le rôle des open labs”. (co-author: V. Mérindol). 2nd Abbé Grégoire Innovation Day. CNAM (Paris, France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Valérie MERINDOL 03/2017
« Co-workers, Makers et Fabbers: Dynamiques d'innovations internes, locales et globales dans des communautés localisées à Barcelone ». 12th Business & Society Research Seminar. ESCP Europe (Paris, France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 02/2017
« Introduire une culture entrepreneuriale dans les universités : le rôle des open labs ». (co-author: V. Mérindol). Séminaire permanent Stratégies d’Innovation en Réseau et Dynamiques Entrepreneuriales Académiques SI(R)DE(A) Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Valérie MERINDOL 02/2017
The development of creative capabilities in established firms with work and workplace transformation in open innovation context Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, David W. VERSAILLES 12/2016
“Collaborative logics in the localized spaces of the sharing economy” (co-author: N. Aubouin). RGCS International Symposium (Paris, France) Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Nicolas AUBOUIN 12/2016
“The development of creative capabilities in established firms with work and workplace transformation in open innovation context” (co-authors: V. Mérindol and D.W.Versailles; presented by V. Mérindol). RGCS International Symposium Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, David W. VERSAILLES 12/2016
“Bottom-up initiatives towards a sustainable and smart city. Scaling solutions through local and global communities. The case of Barcelona”. 2ème Séminaire de l’Observatoire des communautés de connaissance / Communautés et Innovation Ignasi CAPDEVILA 11/2016
Makers dans l'université. Une vision international. Conférence Focus Livre blanc Open Labs. PSB Paris School of Business (Chair newPIC / ANRT) Ignasi CAPDEVILA 10/2016
Creative capabilities of established firms in open innovation context Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, David W. VERSAILLES 09/2016
Open creative labs: A multi-level view of localized dynamics of innovation.? The case of Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA 09/2016
Collaborative logics in the localizedspaces of the sharing economy Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Nicolas AUBOUIN 07/2016
Creative capabilities in the context of open innovation Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, David W. VERSAILLES 07/2016
Science-society relationships: an investigation toward the various types of organizational intermediaries Valérie MERINDOL, Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Emilie Pauline GALLIE 07/2016
A multi-level view of localized dynamics of innovation. Co-working spaces as micro clusters Ignasi CAPDEVILA 01/2016
Coworking Spaces: A multi-level view of localized dynamics of innovation.? The case of Barcelona. Ignasi CAPDEVILA 01/2016
Co-workers, Makers et Fabbers: Dynamiques d’innovations internes, locales et globales dans des communautés localisées à Barcelone Ignasi CAPDEVILA 11/2015
The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of the coworking and fabbing movements in Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA 11/2015
From molecular to techno-emotional episteme: how Ferran Adrià at elBulli redesigned haute-cuisine through local ingredients and global recipes Ignasi CAPDEVILA 10/2015
Setting the playground. Collective creativity in coworking spaces in Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA 09/2015
Coworking spaces and the localized dynamics of innovation. The case of Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA 06/2015
Global and local dynamics of knowledge communities and the innovative capacity of cities Ignasi CAPDEVILA 06/2015
Les ancrages locaux et les dynamiques globales des communautés innovantes Ignasi CAPDEVILA 06/2015
Les différentes approches entrepreneuriales dans les espaces ouverts d’innovation Ignasi CAPDEVILA 06/2015
Different inter-organizational collaboration approaches in coworking spaces in Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA 05/2015
Knowing communities and the innovative capacity of cities Ignasi CAPDEVILA 05/2015
Setting the playground: Collective creativity in coworking spaces Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Yue ZHAO 10th organisation studies summer workshop 05/2015
A creative process bridging local and global knowledge: the case of "ElBulli" Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Patrick COHENDET, Laurent SIMON 04/2015
How can city labs enhance the citizens’ motivation in different types of innovation activities? Ignasi CAPDEVILA Springer Verlag 01/2015
A multi-level view of localized dynamics of innovation. Coworking spaces as microclusters Ignasi CAPDEVILA 11/2014
Coworking spaces and the localized dynamics of innovation in Barcelona Ignasi CAPDEVILA 10/2014
Case study
Title Authors Source Date
Megalabs: Breaking Barriers – The Journey of Implementing Remote Work in Organizations Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Cecilia LABORDE Case Centre 05/2024
elBullifoundation (2011-2022) Ignasi CAPDEVILA, Marcel PLANELLAS Case Centre 07/2022
Wheeliz: A start-up for the mobility of people in wheelchairs. Ignasi CAPDEVILA CCMP Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques 11/2018