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Meteorological factors against COVID-19 and the role of human mobility

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Optimal risk management problem of natural resources: application to oil drilling

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Privacy and Intelligent Virtual Assistants Usage across Generations

This paper addresses the question of Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) continuance of usage through different generations. Indeed, the sustainability of these tools is potentially enabled by the gratifications they provide over time to users.

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Sports, vêtements et plateformes d'achat: Comment lancer "sa griffe" digitale?

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The Duality of the Physical and Virtual Worlds of Work

Telework or virtual office work is not new. However, in the past its adoption has been restricted to a minority of workers and companies. In 2017, only 3% of French workers regularly teleworked.

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You follow fitness influencers on YouTube. But do you actually exercise? How parasocial relationships, and watching fitness influencers, relate to intentions to exercise

Digital celebrities found on social media platforms are found to be successful in endorsing brands and products, and influencing purchase intentions of their followers. However, influencers also promote values and lifestyles on their channels, such as healthy behavior and fitness.
