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Transatlantic cooperation and R&D management: an inquiry into the problem of complementarity

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Alan Greenspan et l'illusion nominale

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Angling for beauty : commercial implications of an interactive aesthetic for web design

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Annale des loyers et de la propriété commerciale, rurale et immobilière. Guide fiscal locatif 2006

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Aposicion oracional relativa : tipos y especificidades

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Are European Equity Markets Integrated around the Adoption of Euro

The main goal of this paper is to examine the extent and evolution of European capital market integration. The new political and economic context should lead to an increase of stock market integration on the whole Euro area.

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Arménie-Israel : l'espoir au-delà de la realpolitik

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Audit et comptabilité bancaire

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China's Presence in Latin America

For half a century, the People's Republic of China took only limited note of Latin America, a region over which the United states exercised real political and economyc hegemony. This period of indifference is today at an end.
