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Employee driven innovation process: the dissemination of innovations within the firm

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Entreprendre dans la diversité, oui ... mais de quelle diversité parle-on ?

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Epistemic communities, localization and the dynamics of knowledge creation.


This article aims to clarify how epistemic communities dynamically shape the process of
knowledge creation in a localized context and how the evolving interaction between
different members of these communities enables knowledge to transit from its locus of

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Et maintenant une application qui facilite les plans à trois : cas d’école d’une économie où l’offre crée la demande

Catherine LEJEALLE
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Et si la reverse logistics devenait la solution face à l'épuisement des ressources naturelles?

Jean Noel BREKA

L'épuisement des ressources naturelles est devenu si alarmant qu'aujourd'hui des solutions sont recherchées dans tous les domaines pour freiner ce désastre écologique qui se dessine à l'horizon.

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Ethnography of impoverished French farmers: a specific kind of hidden poverty

Ethnography of impoverished French farmers: a specific kind of hidden poverty

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Être agriculteur en difficulté aujourd'hui en France : une ethnologie de consommateurs vulnérables.

This ethnographic study addresses a gap in the field of consumer vulnerability and poverty by elaborating a better knowledge of a specific hidden and rural poverty through the lens of Transformative Consumer Research.

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Exploring gender issues in entrepreneurship:what about students and recent graduates?


Research on entrepreneurship is a relatively new area.

Entrepreneurship is still poorly studied and has a low level of legitimacy in the

emerging academic field as female entrepreneurship. Focusing research about

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Extending the individual level of virtuality: Implications of task virtuality in virtual and traditional settings.

Mehmet ORHAN
