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Quand la quantité de brevets ne va pas de paire avec la qualtité: l'exemple deu secteur de l'aéronautique et de la Défense

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Sustainability and Luxury: Strategy and communication challenges

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Technologies de l'information et variété des formes de cocréation: vers un nouveau paradigme pour la défense américaine

This article investigates the role of Defence as an active user of technology. It shows that two user centric models of innovation co-exist: the owner and Lead user status. The article analyses the consequences of user’s characteristics on the client and firms relationships.

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The materiality of institutional logics: dualities in the French medical profession since 1975

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When the omerta is broken: sociomateriality and the history of hazing in French universities

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Rewards and Functionality: Techno-Supply-Push and User-Demand-Pull R&D and Innovation

Purpose - This paper builds upon predominant theories of disruptive innovation and develops a framework for analysis in context of technology-push and end-user-pull interaction.

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Buyer-seller partnerships in business markets: towards an integrated approach

While both academics and practitioners have demonstrated interest in buyer-seller partnerships, extant studies lack consistency and are often built on the basis of a single underlying theory, model or explanatory paradigm, which results in competing explanations of partnerships and which leaves t

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Le brevet comme outil stratégique des entreprises : Vers l'émergence d'une nouvelle capacité organisationnelle ?

Today patents contribute to several dimensions of a firm's strategy in order to improve its technological and competitive leadership. The purpose of the article is to identify the implication of the strategic role of patents on the acquisition of new organizational capabilities.

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Nostalgia and technology innovation driving retro music consumption

Purpose - Understanding a prima facie attraction of retro pop-rock by a broad spectrum of people and the role of technology innovation in driving the importance of this genre.
