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L’hypocrisie dans les affaires de corruption

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Risque de fraude interne, comment dissuader efficacement les salariés ? , Gérer & Comprendre, Septembre 2022, n°149, 47-60.

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Directional predictability and time-frequency spillovers among clean energy sectors and oil price uncertainty

Christian UROM, Khaled GUESMI, Hela Mzoughi, Gideon Ndubuisi

This paper analyzes the dependence among clean energy sectors and oil price uncertainty using the NASDAQ OMX Green Economy Index for the Building, Economy, Edge, Financial, Technology and Transport sectors in the United States.

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Dynamic dependence and predictability between volume and return of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): The roles of market factors and geopolitical risks

Christian UROM, Khaled GUESMI, Gideon Ndubuisi

We examine the dependence between volume and returns for the NFT market and three sub-markets (Cryptokitties, Cryptopunks, and Decentraland) using both quantile cross-spectral coherency and quantile regression techniques.
